Dear patients,
After more than a year together, I’m pleased to inform you that a newsletter is now open on the site. It will be updated on a weekly basis with medical information you may find useful.
Don’t hesitate to send me your comments – they’re most welcome! If you have a specific topic you’d like to cover, please contact me!
This week
Our little ones and screens
With the explosion of new technologies, Western homes are frequently equipped with at least one screen. Phones, tablets, computers and televisions have become objects that surround our little ones and with which they grow up. However, they also have an effect on their developing brains. It is now scientifically proven that screens interfere with language development, among other things, and can lead to delays in language acquisition. For these children, they can reduce social interaction and their ability to develop their three-dimensional faculties (screens are in 2D). a baby’s brain doesn’t know how to process this virtual information, which is often not adapted to his or her level of development, and this interferes with learning in the real world. What’s more, when adults use the screen in front of their children, it acts as a barrier to communication, excluding them from the process.
If you would like to find out more, here is a useful link published by the Swiss Paediatric Society: PDF
Your dedicated
PD Dr Med Marco V. Corniola