+41 22 366 96 04
Visit Dr. Corniola Privat Docent, is a specialist in cranial and spinal neurosurgery in Geneva.
years of experience in University Hospitals
Neurosurgeon FMH
After his studies at theUniversity of Geneva and an internship in neurosurgery at Lausanne University Hospital, Dr. Corniola became Chief of Clinic at the University Hospitals from 2016. Excelling in cranial and spinal neurosurgery, he is also pursuing a parallel academic career, conducting a cycle of research on intracranial meningiomas.
An expert in the surgical and non-surgical management of meningiomas, Dr. Corniola is an internationally recognized neurosurgeon with expertise in cranial and spinal neurosurgery. He practices mainly at the Clinique de Genolier, but also consults in Geneva, at Centre Médical 21.
Neurosurgery is the surgical discipline that treats pathologies of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (nerves in the body), as well as their envelopes (meninges, cranium and spinal column).
Hernie discale lombaire
Hernie discale cervicale
Canal lombaire étroit
Canal cervical étroit
Méningiomes intracrâniens
Anévrismes intracrâniens
Tumeurs cérébrales et médullaires
Tumeurs rachidiennes
Tumeurs des gaines nerveuses
Dr. Corniola practices mainly at the Clinique de Genolier in Geneva and the Clinique de La Source in Lausanne. On request, we can also arrange consultations outside normal opening hours.
There are many reasons to consult us for pain, sensitivity or motor problems, or simply to answer a question about a specific treatment. At the start of your consultation, it’s essential to explain your symptoms clearly, in your own words.
This history is supplemented by a clinical examination. Your doctor will observe the images and then issue a summary with diagnostic hypotheses that will lead to treatment, if a neurosurgical pathology is confirmed.
However, surgery is not always necessary. Some pathologies require regular check-ups, sometimes combined with medication.
No, some clinics have LaMal benefit mandates, which can enable you to benefit from treatment even without supplementary insurance.
Yes, unfortunately. The recurrence rate varies from 3% to 15%, depending on the study. So it’s important to take good care of your back after surgery.
Neurologists focus on patients in consultation, establishing non-surgical solutions to treat diseases of the nervous system. In contrast, neurosurgeons perform surgery to treat central and peripheral nervous system pathologies, demonstrating their expertise in surgical practices through training, experience and research, including working closely with specialists in healthcare facilities to offer surgical treatment to patients requiring urgent intervention.
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